Sunday, 14 September 2008

An Instantiation of a Story

This photo was taken in Agadir, southern Morocco. Lines, lines, lines. Many objects in the photo attract our attention before leading us to the woman and to the door.

Where is she going? What's around the corner? What's the relationship between the building and her? Where is everyone else? A story begins.

Our minds want to bring reasoning to the simple  event depicted in this photo. That's what makes it so captivating.

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Blogger Zippora Zabelin said...

Funny, my first thought was "Morocco!", even before I'd read your description and even though I've never been as far south as Agadir.

The woman was not what struck my eye first actually. It was the window in the foreground, that promises a dark, cool and shady inside, in contrast with the light (and obvious heat) shown here.

And the woman... yes.. what did she leave the comfortable house for? She will be soon exposed to the hot sun...

16 Sept 2008, 11:33:00  

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