Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Focus People!

A shallow depth of view highlights the interesting parts.

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Thursday, 18 September 2008

Upwards and Onwards

You know what I mean? Look left, look right before crossing the road? Look at the light, look in the shadow. Rule of thirds, look for lines.

Well, look up. Many buildings have an inherent simmetry to them. Unless they're specifically build to confuse (e.g. the BBC centre building), they have a kind regularity to them. So, if you look up, you're likely to get a gist of what the architect saw when (s)he looked down on the floor plans.

Use a wide angle lense. This photo was taken in Barcelona. I can't remember which building this was.

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A Mistake to Cherish

Sometimes, you screw up. I know I had done so when I took this photo... or did I really?

At the moment I took this photo, I realised the ISO was too low.* Just when I pressed the shutter-button, I realised my mistake and took the camera away from my eye, reset the ISO to 400 and carried on. When I got home, I found this gem of a photo.

Some mistakes are meant to be cherished!

*Even though it was a bright day, the exposure was 1/8th of second at f/4.5.

Sunday, 14 September 2008

An Instantiation of a Story

This photo was taken in Agadir, southern Morocco. Lines, lines, lines. Many objects in the photo attract our attention before leading us to the woman and to the door.

Where is she going? What's around the corner? What's the relationship between the building and her? Where is everyone else? A story begins.

Our minds want to bring reasoning to the simple  event depicted in this photo. That's what makes it so captivating.

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Friday, 12 September 2008

A Blank Canvas

Sometimes, it's best to challenge the rules. You'll see me experimenting in this manner. I think the ultimate my ultimate goal of this blog.
Bend / break / ignore the rules of photography; challenge each of them to separate myth from fact.

Sunday, 7 September 2008

To be known

One of my old house plants … no idea what it’s called.
Can you identify it?

Let the journey begin!

Taken in Antwerp Zoo about a year ago.

I’m starting this blog to go to the next level of creativity. I’ve been taking photos for about 4 years now, and reached a plateau. After reading an article on blogging for inspiration, I decided to give it a go.

Let the journey begin!
